Docvit News | Mr. XI Xiaohong, senior adviser of our firm, was invited to attend "CBLJ Forum 2019" and delivered a wonderful speech

Source:   Time: 2019-11-13 11:20:23  Author:

On November 12, 2019, the second "CBLJ Forum 2019" of China Business Law Journal was held at Shanghai Grand Hyatt Hotel. This forum is hosted by China Business Law Journal, an international legal media. It brings together more than 500 guests, including domestic and foreign senior business elites and legal elites, senior decision-makers and founders of influential and representative enterprises in various industries and financial institutions, general counsels of well-known enterprises, senior legal experts and senior partners of Chinese and foreign law firms. 

Mr. XI Xiaohong, senior adviser of Beijing Docvit Law Firm, was invited by the sponsor to attend the forum and preside over the sub-forum of "Special Venue of Overseas Law Firms" as a guest, and expressed an exclusive view on the issue of "in-depth analysis of issues related to overseas investment". Mr. XI reviewed the historical process of China's foreign investment since the reform and opening up, interpreted the basic situation of overseas M&A by Chinese enterprises in 2019 in detail, and analyzed the internal and external reasons for the decline in overseas investment. In the meantime, combining the international environment under the Belt and Road Initiative, Mr. XI delivered a wonderful speech on how to make strategic decisions for Chinese enterprises in the process of overseas investment from the perspective of legal profession, and put forward exclusive advice for enterprise senior executives and in-house counsels to enhance corporate compliance management and avoid all kinds of legal risks in cross-border investment process. 

It is reported that nearly 80 general counsels of listed companies/well-known enterprises, well-known entrepreneurs, senior decision-makers and founders of financial institutions, senior business elites, legal elites and in-house legal elites at home and abroad have discussed more than 13 topics through roundtable discussions, focusing on the hot legal issues encountered in the process of domestic and "going global" investment and financing that enterprises are concerned about, analyzing and sharing experiences, and assisting decision-makers and in-house counsels to seize business opportunities and strengthen compliance and risk control management capabilities. The forum has become one of the biggest gatherings for Chinese executive in-house counsels.

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Beijing Docvit Law Firm (Docvit in short), which was established in 2003, is one of the few earliest law firms instituted as a corporation rather than partnership in China. Aimed at building a high quality law firm with professional competence, Docvit fostered innovation under its unique system of operating as a large-scale corporation. Benefited with its core-competitiveness, such as international insights and full IT application management mode, to name some of them, Docvit pursued cross-border development and established an image of high-end brand in a industrialized market. In 2015, Docvit was ushered into a “3.0 era” of moderate-scale development, which witnessed the gradual formation of nation-wide and world-wide layout with the start-up of branch offices in Tianjin, Jinan, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Chengdu, Taiyuan, Hong Kong, London and other places in succession.
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