Docvit News | Beijing Docvit Law Firm Hong Kong Branch has obtained the recommendation letter from All China Lawyers Association and furthered the pace of internationalization

Source:   Time: 2019-09-11 11:39:35  Author:

Introduction: Recently, Beijing Docvit Law Firm Hong Kong Branch officially obtained the recommendation letter from All China Lawyers Association. At present, the preparatory work of Beijing Docvit Law Firm Hong Kong Branch has been fully launched, and it is committed to building a core base for Docvit to provide cross-border legal services for clients at home and abroad. 

In February 2019, the Development Plan for Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area clearly pointed out that Hong Kong should its position as an international financial, shipping, trade center and international aviation hub, strengthen its position as a global offshore RMB business hub, an international asset management center and a risk management center, and propel the development of finance, commerce and trade, logistics, professional services, etc. in the direction of high-end and high added value, vigorously develop innovation and science and technology, foster emerging industries, build an international legal and dispute resolution service center in the Asia Pacific region, and build Hong Kong to be a more competitive international metropolis. 

Beijing Docvit Law Firm Hong Kong Branch will make clear its development orientation under the guidance of national major strategies such as the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative and the construction of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and facilitate the win-win cooperation between China Mainland and Hong Kong with quality legal services.  

Since 2018, Beijing Docvit Law Firm Tianjin Branch and Jinan Branch have developed steadily. Offices in Shenzhen, Shanghai, Chengdu, Taiyuan, Hong Kong, London and other places are in preparation for construction, and the national and global layout has continued to advance. 

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Beijing Docvit Law Firm (Docvit in short), which was established in 2003, is one of the few earliest law firms instituted as a corporation rather than partnership in China. Aimed at building a high quality law firm with professional competence, Docvit fostered innovation under its unique system of operating as a large-scale corporation. Benefited with its core-competitiveness, such as international insights and full IT application management mode, to name some of them, Docvit pursued cross-border development and established an image of high-end brand in a industrialized market. In 2015, Docvit was ushered into a “3.0 era” of moderate-scale development, which witnessed the gradual formation of nation-wide and world-wide layout with the start-up of branch offices in Tianjin, Jinan, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Chengdu, Taiyuan, Hong Kong, London and other places in succession.
Brand Activity
Over the years, business and brand of DOCVIT have matured and won the "Special Contribution Award of All China Lawyers Association", "Excellent Law Firm in Beijing", "Excellent Law Firm in Chaoyang District", ALB2016 Asia Top Ten Elite Law Firm, 2018 Outstanding Law Firm Award by China Business Law Journal, etc.