Great Idea: Decode the Mode of DOCVIT: We only do two things -- How to consider for the lawyers (I): Make the lawyers more dignified

Source: DOCVIT Law Firm  Time: 2018-11-08 14:53:50  Author: LIU Guangchao

Whatever the mechanism it adopts, the law firm shall make the lawyers practically feel that they are more dignified due to the law firm.  Only joining in a law firm in this way could the lawyers achieve gains and be meaningful and more valuable. 

What is it that the lawyers are more dignified? 

Actually, to be dignified is a positive self-positioning arouse by a positive external evaluation. Dignity is a need of everyone and need of the lawyers. What is it that the lawyers are more dignified? I think that there is nothing more than three aspects, that is, firstly, the lawyers feel more dignified in the heart; Secondly, the lawyers feel more dignified in the front of the customers; Thirdly, the lawyers feel more dignified in the front of their peers; 

The manager of the law firm shall firstly consider that how do the lawyers feel more dignified. For example, the law firm shall make the lawyers feel equal, free and respected in the culture; The law firm shall make the lawyers feel confident and even proud in the brand construction; The law firm shall make the lawyers feel dignified and high-grade in the hardware guarantee; The law firm shall make the lawyers feel guaranteed and professional in the function support. It shall make sure differences between the situations where there is a law firm or no law firm. 

Selection and perseverance of Docvit 

Based on such considerations, Docvit makes such choices and always insists: 

Firstly, we always advocate the concept that the law firm firstly provides services for the lawyers and then carry out management for them. We always consider in the management that the lawyers are engaged in providing services and need to be under tense working conditions and will always be disturbed and simulated by external factors. If the lawyers will be subject to cold managements and have no service treatment, no care and sense of home when they come back to the law firm, the lawyers’ heart will be cold gradually and they will be farther and farther with the law firm. 

We have considered the concept identity and moral quality when selecting the lawyers. Therefore, after the lawyers join in us, we will consider all the lawyers are members of “Docvit” and we require all functional departments to firstly provide services for the lawyers and then carry out necessary management for them. We will make the lawyers practically feel respected in the law firm. 

For example, we will convene a welcome party for each lawyer, conduct induction, provide the office or office table for each lawyer and will assist in providing materials and documents required by the practice at any time and convene the problem solution coordination meeting for lawyers as well as provide the lawyers with service and guarantee on aspects of travel on businesses, catering, reception and meeting. Of course, we will also strictly require the lawyers to follow systems of the law firm, follow industrial disciplines and codes of practice and do not allow the lawyers to destroy reputation of the law firm and break through the red line in the industry management. We also consider that it is more important to give up a person than transform a person. If there is a lawyer having deviations in the concept identity and moral quality, we will resolutely give up the lawyer. 

Secondly, we always specially cherish reputation of the law firm and continuously help the partners and lawyers to create the brand. The dignity of lawyers, to a great extent, comes from the excellence of the law firm and themselves. Therefore, we consider it makes the lawyers feel dignified to create the awareness and reputation of the law firm. Meanwhile, it will make partners and lawyers feel dignified to help them set up their own brands. Neither of them can not be neglected. Moreover, we also consider that partners have their own brands regardless of qualifications and working duration of partners in the law firm and their brands need to be built and maintained. 

Docvit’s headquarters establishes brand and marketing strategy center, and Beijing office and other branches establish their own brand media propaganda departments. Moreover, we also employ senior media personnel and experts in related fields as our brand consultant. We will monthly convene the brand working meeting and will prepare a brand proposal for each partner and lawyer and continuously track it. For example, our brand director will carry out indepth interview for each new partner and then put forward main points about the brand building and coach the implementation. But we will fully respect opinions of the partners and lawyers and can not force and arrange them. 

In addition, we always select a top-ranking section for work, so as to provide the lawyers with a best office environment. Many persons consider it is not important. But we think that it is a basic guarantee to make the lawyers in a law firm feel dignified, a basic condition for customers to trust, and a platform for lawyers to work together happily of a presentable office condition provided for the lawyers. We do not pursue for luxurious decorations. But we insist that the office shall be like an excellent law firm and have competitive advantages within a period. It is the most important to provide the lawyers with a comfortable environment and convenient conditions. 

Therefore, we will select a better and even the best location and building to set our offices, such as, Beijing Fortune Financial Center, China World Trade Center Tower 3, Tianjin World Financial Center and Jinan International Wealth Center. We also employ specialized institution to serve as the decoration image consultant of the law firm and formulate the office decoration guidance manual. We can confidently speak that you can feel our concentrated attention, our culture and the sureness and trust for us when you go to our offices. For example, the VIP room in Beijing office is decorated with classical style and is surrounded by books, red wine cabinet and phonograph, where, you can overlook Beijing City. Therefore, many customers very like it and will directly apply for waiting our lawyer in the room. Only when working in such office environment could the lawyers feel dignified. 

In addition, we always consider which works of lawyers could be replaced by the law firm and we are continuously trying and improving. The lawyers are used to doing everything, expanding the business and doing the business, urging payments, maintaining the customers, recruiting employees and providing logistical supports by themselves. Indeed, they can do such things. This is possibly the reason why there are more and more individual law firms. But we must admit that all the lawyers have an extravagant hope that lawyers only do things that they must do and other things will be done by the law firm. Does it work in this way? 

Actually, this is value and meaning of the law firm. We will strip and classify some non-professional and non-personnel dependent works and then organize professional personnel to do the works in a normalized and professional manner. In this way, the law firm will organize and implement the works related to the traditional manpower, administration and finance, works related the brand, market and customers, works related to the information, knowledge management and products research and development and works related to the business support, team construction and public relations in a uniform manner and the lawyers only participate in the professional support linkage. And the law firm will continuously form experience, exercise the team, integrate resources, so as to form a good interaction with the lawyers. Actually, this is the corporatization management. We have insisted it for fifteen years. And we increasingly find that it is a true need of the lawyers. 

If you understand it, you will understand why does Docvit set the managing partner; why are there over 20 personnel in the functional team in Beijing office and why are there over 30 personnel in seven centers of the headquarters. In our opinions, it is not cost input, rather than basic input of the law firm, management, and even the engine and catalyst of the benefit. 

Finally, we always emphasize that we can and shall gather all the forces of the law firm to provide a lawyer with services. It can be understood for small-scale law firms. But it is difficult to understand for medium-scale and even large-scale law firms and a majority of persons consider it is unnecessary. Actually, this is a kind of concept, also a kind of spirit, and more a kind of culture. We consider that any one lawyer represents the law firm. At certain moment, the lawyers are all of the law firm for a customer. Therefore, we can and shall gather all the forces of the law firm to provide a lawyer with services when necessary. 

We remember once a partner just joining in our firm needed to bid for a commercial bank in Tianjin and but time is tight and there were neither any personnel to assist him in handing related affairs temporarily nor other lawyers to form a team. After receipt of the information, the tender and bid department reflected related situation to the law firm at the first time and the law firm immediately established a temporary coordination team and organized functional teams, including tender and bid department, finance department, business management department and customer service department, which will be responsible for basic tender and bid works and the firm deployed seven partners and lawyers from other business divisions to participate in professional works related to the tender and bid. Through tense working over three days, the partner successfully submitted the bid and finally won the bid. After the event, this partner emotionally said that the law firm really serves the lawyers in this way! It was quite unexpected! We can responsibly speak that this is not a particular case but an ordinary state in Docvit. The reason we do this is that we have the mechanism guarantee, team guarantee, and culture guarantee. 

Based on this, we believe that lawyers will feel more dignified when working in Docvit. 

Moreover, we believe that these tasks are endless. 

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Director's Message
We want to become an ideal, respectable and sustainable law firm. We don’t rigidly adhere to traditional operating mode, but selects the corporation management from the beginning of establishment. China’s lawyer industry is also faced with the task of optimization of organizational form and operating mechanism after undergoing monopoly of the state-owned assets firm and rising of partnership firm, so we begin to explore the new management mechanism and operating mechanism of law firm, bravely introduce the corporation management mechanism, run the law firm according to the market rules, and strive to realize the property right demutualisation, operating marketization, product standardization, service brandization and development industrialization. We sincerely believe that it is the development direction of lawyer industry, and sticks to it. We hope to score a achievement in the road of corporatization of law firm, and strive to make contributions to lawyer industry. Likewise, only if we select the corporatization management, we have service teamship, business professionalization and operating normalization, and provide stable, continuous and high-quality service for numerous clients.
Fellow Program
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  • 【Fellow Program II】
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