Beijing Docvit Law Firm (Docvit in short), which was established in 2003, is one of the few earliest law firms instituted as a corporation rather than partnership in China. Aimed at building a high quality law firm with professional competence, Docvit fostered innovation under its unique system of operating as a large-scale corporation. Benefited with its core-competitiveness, such as international insights and full IT application management mode, to name some of them, Docvit pursued cross-border development and established an image of high-end brand in a industrialized market. In 2015, Docvit was ushered into a “3.0 era” of moderate-scale development, which witnessed the gradual formation of nation-wide and world-wide layout with the start-up of branch offices in Tianjin, Jinan, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Chengdu, Taiyuan, Hong Kong, London and other places in succession.
Organization Structure
The organizational structure of DOCVIT Law Firm is closely set around the corporate operation and management mode. On the one hand, it pays attention to the construction of functional departments such as brand and clients, and introduces full-time managers. On the other hand, we should adhere to the professional construction of business departments and strictly correspond departments and service fields.
Director's Message
LIU Guangchao
Director of DOCVIT Law Firm, he graduated from Peking University, and is the Director of Chinese Economists 50 Forum, Director of Market Economics Society of the Party School of the Central Committee of the CPC, specially-invited proposer of People’s Government of Beijing, legal adviser of People’s Government of Chaoyang District, representative of NPC of Chaoyang District, as well as Director of All China Lawyers Association, Director of Beijing Lawyers Association and Vice Chairman of Chaoyang Lawyers Association.
Chronicle of Events
Beijing DOCVIT Law Firm, established in 2003, is the first professional scale branded law firm in China with corporate management as its characteristics. In the course of more than ten years of development, DOCVIT experienced 1.0 corporatization phase, 2.0 specialization phase, and now has entered 3.0 scale expansion phase.
Over the years, business and brand of DOCVIT have matured and won the "Special Contribution Award of All China Lawyers Association", "Excellent Law Firm in Beijing", "Excellent Law Firm in Chaoyang District", ALB2016 Asia Top Ten Elite Law Firm, 2018 Outstanding Law Firm Award by China Business Law Journal, etc.
Interpretation of the Company's System
  • [07/12]Inspiration: A Good Law Firm shall be Able to Run like the Portuguese football team without Cristiano Ronaldo
    In the morning of July 11, the European Cup came to an end. Although its best player Cristiano Ronaldo left the field due to injury in the first half, Portuguese team still defeated French team at the last moment and won its first European Cup championship. To be honest, the championship of Portuguese team relied on some luck. But, it is an indisputable fact that it protected its goal well within 109 minutes, and grasped the opportunity. Portuguese team won the game owing to their teamwork, systematic operation and persistence, rather than the conservatism of French team. I’m not a professional football commentator. I don’t intend to, and am not able to, discuss the technique and tactics of Portuguese team. However, I want to discuss the management of a law firm based on this interesting event that Portuguese team still wins the champion after losing Cristiano Ronaldo. It seems that there is no relation between these two things. I just use it as an example, and you can deem it as my inspiration in this football night.
  • [07/01]How Big Is the Gap Between the Law Firm under Corporatization (Corporate System) and Traditional Commission Law Firms? | Basic Interpretation of the Corporatization (Corporate System) of Law Firms (VI)
    Recently, most people have asked the same question while discussing the law firm management mode with their peers: What is the difference between the law firms under corporate system and traditional commission law firms on earth? We thought that they were two distinct mechanisms. We also thought that it was a topic that does not need to be discussed. However, after careful thinking, we suddenly found that we got involved in some misunderstandings at the beginning and that it was not so easy to answer this question.
  • [06/22]Some Misunderstanding Concerning the Corporatization (Corporate System) of Law Firm | Basic Interpretation of the Corporatization (Corporate System) of Law Firm (V)
    After the successive discussions on the issues, such as understanding, the main symbol, development stage and the reasons for selection of the corporatization (corporate system) of law firms, I’d like to exchange some misunderstandings concerning the corporatization (corporate system) of law firms with you this time. This topic is sensitive and practical. Originally, people are exploring the corporatization (corporate system) of law firms and different people have different opinions, and there is still no authoritative conclusion or fixed pattern, so it is far from misunderstanding strictly. However, I always feel that some viewpoints and understandings have already imprisoned our innovation ideologically and even deviated from the essence of affairs. A thing cannot be clarified until we speak it out, so let's just say it and consider it as a discussion. On this issue, Mr. LIU Yaotang once wrote Several Misunderstandings in the Corporatization of Law Firms That Need to Be Clarified and made an in-depth and incisive analysis. I quite agree with his opinion in the article. In this article, I would like to say some more points from another angle.
Super Idea
  • [12/04]Great Idea: Decode the Mode of DOCVIT: We only do two things: how to consider for customers (V): Make lawyer services more valuable
    On November 3, 2018, Small and Medium-Sized Law Firm Development Forum sponsored by Shanxi Lawyer Association was held in Taiyuan, where LIU Guangchao, Director of Beijing Docvit Law Firm delivered the speech themed by “Decode the Mode of Docvit: We only do two things - & Ultimate Mission in the Management of Law Firms”. In this speech, LIU Guangchao emphatically introduced that DOCVIT only does two things in the management of DOCVIT, namely, how to consider for the lawyers and how to consider for the clients. The editor summarized the speech of Director LIU Guangchao of Docvit Law Firm at the forum, and formed a series of articles Decode the Mode of Docvit, hoping to explore with peers.
  • [12/03]Great Idea: Decode the Mode of DOCVIT: We only do two things: how to consider for customers (IV): Make lawyers’ service deeper
    On November 3, 2018, Small and Medium-Sized Law Firm Development Forum sponsored by Shanxi Lawyer Association was held in Taiyuan, where LIU Guangchao, Director of Beijing Docvit Law Firm delivered the speech themed by “Decode the Mode of Docvit: We only do two things - & Ultimate Mission in the Management of Law Firms”. In this speech, LIU Guangchao emphatically introduced that DOCVIT only does two things in the management of DOCVIT, namely, how to consider for the lawyers and how to consider for the clients. The editor summarized the speech of Director LIU Guangchao at the forum and formed a series of articles Decode the Mode of Docvit, hoping to explore with peers.
  • [11/29]Great Idea: Decode the Mode of DOCVIT: We only do two things: how to consider for customers (III): Make customers have more sense of gain
    On November 3, 2018, Small and Medium-Sized Law Firm Development Forum sponsored by Shanxi Lawyer Association was held in Taiyuan, where LIU Guangchao, Director of Beijing Docvit Law Firm delivered the speech themed by “Decode the Mode of Docvit: We only do two things - & Ultimate Mission in the Management of Law Firms”. In this speech, LIU Guangchao emphatically introduced that DOCVIT only does two things in the management of DOCVIT, namely, how to consider for the lawyers and how to consider for the clients. The editor summarized the speech of Director LIU Guangchao of Docvit Law Firm at the forum, and formed a series of articles Decode the Mode of Docvit, hoping to explore with peers.

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Professional Team
Industry Research
  • Legal Health Index Report on National Private Equity Industry
    The purpose of this report is to provide insights into legislation, regulation, and justice in the form of private equity industry indices. As the first legal cross-border alliance which takes the law as the core element, research institute as the support, the Internet as the platform, and the internationalization as the vision, Green Legal Global Alliance (GLGA) has been concerned about the ways in which legislation, regulation and justice will affect the private placement industry. Up to now, the volume of private equity funds has grown to the same level as public funds, and its development speed is so rapid.
  • Legal Health Index Report on Listed Companies among Central SOE (A-shares)
    Legal Health Index Report on Listed Companies among Central SOE (A-shares) is the first index report on the health development of listed companies among central SOE (A-shares) in the market with legal health-oriented and judging criteria. It is the first index report on listed companies among central SOE (A-shares) with public welfare and academic nature launched by a third party, and it is an innovative measure for researching and evaluating the listed companies among central enterprises (A-shares) as a new perspective.
  • 2018 Blue Book of China's Non-Performing Assets
    Based on an in-depth study and research on the overall non-performing asset industry, Green Legal Global Alliance Research Institute and Beijing Docvit Law Firm jointly complied 2018 Blue Book of China's Non-Performing Assets with certain academic and public welfare, hoping to bring guidance to the industry and reflect the innovation of the non-performing asset industry itself.
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Brand Activity
Three-year Strategy
  • 【Branch Strategy】
    Docvit's branch strategy adheres to the corporate collectivized system, emphasizes the separation of the headquarters and Beijing Office, promotes multi-center concept, committing to building a true lawyer development platform for lawyers in the sense of the country and the world.
  • 【Business Partner Strategy】
    Business partners are the core kinetic energy in Docvit's future development. We advocate the team system business for partners and set up the Operation Department, the Business Department or the Division, to form a development cooperation mode focusing on both people and the profession.
  • 【Future Partner Strategy】
    We have developed a comprehensive talent selection strategy, talent development strategy and talent promotion strategy for young lawyers, established five major paths, i.e. setting up special funds, playing roles in front, setting up green ladders, promoting teams led by masters and external learning exchanges, and adopted relevant supporting incentives, etc., to train future partners.
Fellow Program
  • 【Fellow Program I】
    With the launch of the "Fellow Program", Docvit hopes to unite with the like-minded lawyers of the country to build a career platform and realize their career dreams together. "Fellow Program I" aims to recruit partners, business partners and executive directors for the Docvit Branch in China.
  • 【Fellow Program II】
    "Fellow Program II" aims to recruit partners and lawyers for Docvit Headquarters and Beijing Office across the country and around the world to become what the industry, Docvit itself, market and clients want.
  • 【Fellow Program III】
    "Fellow Program III" aims to recruit partners for national branches of Docvit nationwide and globally. Docvit's national and global development blueprints require more partners to draw together, and let us work together to create a respectable law firm.