Director's Message

LIU Guangchao
Director of Beijing DOCVIT Law Firm
We want to become an ideal, respectable and sustainable law firm. We don’t rigidly adhere to traditional operating mode, but selects the corporation management from the beginning of establishment. China’s lawyer industry is also faced with the task of optimization of organizational form and operating mechanism after undergoing monopoly of the state-owned assets firm and rising of partnership firm, so we begin to explore the new management mechanism and operating mechanism of law firm, bravely introduce the corporation management mechanism, run the law firm according to the market rules, and strive to realize the property right demutualisation, operating marketization, product standardization, service brandization and development industrialization. We sincerely believe that it is the development direction of lawyer industry, and sticks to it. We hope to score a achievement in the road of corporatization of law firm, and strive to make contributions to lawyer industry. Likewise, only if we select the corporatization management, we have service teamship, business professionalization and operating normalization, and provide stable, continuous and high-quality service for numerous clients.
We are also changed and after the professional boutique law firm, DOCVIT has stepped into the scale development stage, but we don’t return to “Jack of all trades and master of none” lawyer, and don’t reduce the business specification, but we still locate in serving for the capital and project, and devote to scale brand law firm of high-end legal affair, beforehand legal affair and strategic legal affair. We think that the professionalization can be duplicated, and the scale is truly meaningful and competitive based on professionalization. Therefore, we emphasizes on perfecting professionalization, and we advocate and standardize the cooperation between different professions. Exactly because of this, we consider the skilled financial and capital market as the basis and template, and gradually expand the professional field to the real estate and infrastructure, international investment and international engineering, energy and environmental protection, intellectual property and other fields. We believe that it is the virtuous cycle situation and necessary development road of the law firm.
We don’t forget the professional ethics and social responsibility of lawyers, and we always place the principle of respecting the professional ethics and sticking to the social responsibility in the first place. The lawyer always represents the interested party and at the center of contradiction, at this moment, we always stick to the professional ethics, but we will not be controlled by benefit, utilized by force and affected by undeserved reputation. Meanwhile, we never give up the social responsibility for promoting harmony, guaranteeing stabilization and relieving contradiction. Because we think that the lawyer is not only an occupation and cause, but also a belief and responsibility.
We don’t defend tenaciously our own benefits, but we associate our development with your development, demand and benefits from thought to behavior. Your selection represents your trust and support, and the best way to return you is that we will understand your demand as best as possible, realize your wishes, and maintain your benefits. “Yes, we are together” is not only our internal declaration, but also our constant commitment to you.
Yes, we are together!
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MoreFellow Program
【Fellow Program I】
With the launch of the "Fellow Program", Docvit hopes to unite with the like-minded lawyers of the country to build a career platform and realize their career dreams together. "Fellow Program I" aims to recruit partners, business partners and executive directors for the Docvit Branch in China. -
【Fellow Program II】
"Fellow Program II" aims to recruit partners and lawyers for Docvit Headquarters and Beijing Office across the country and around the world to become what the industry, Docvit itself, market and clients want. -
【Fellow Program III】
"Fellow Program III" aims to recruit partners for national branches of Docvit nationwide and globally. Docvit's national and global development blueprints require more partners to draw together, and let us work together to create a respectable law firm.
Professional Team
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Three-year Strategy
【Branch Strategy】
Docvit's branch strategy adheres to the corporate collectivized system, emphasizes the separation of the headquarters and Beijing Office, promotes multi-center concept, committing to building a true lawyer development platform for lawyers in the sense of the country and the world. -
【Business Partner Strategy】
Business partners are the core kinetic energy in Docvit's future development. We advocate the team system business for partners and set up the Operation Department, the Business Department or the Division, to form a development cooperation mode focusing on both people and the profession. -
【Future Partner Strategy】
We have developed a comprehensive talent selection strategy, talent development strategy and talent promotion strategy for young lawyers, established five major paths, i.e. setting up special funds, playing roles in front, setting up green ladders, promoting teams led by masters and external learning exchanges, and adopted relevant supporting incentives, etc., to train future partners.
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