Limited Partnership in PE of China, an excellent work in the field of private equity

Brief Introduction: 

Limited partnership is one of the most viable forms of PE development in the west; in the United States, especially, limited partnership in PE almost holds a dominant position. In recent years, in sharp contrast to the nation-wide popularization of PE in China, the accompanying PE system construction is far from mature. 

With the revision of Partnership Enterprise Law, the development of PE in China has been profoundly affected, limited partnership is still the first choice of many PE companies in China, the fundamental reason of which is that the limited partnership system fully integrates "capital cooperation" and "wisdom cooperation". Laws and regulations on limited partnership hasn’t been implemented in the field of PE for long, but in practice, based on China's actual situation and investment environment, the practice circles have creatively formed many models with strong Chinese characteristics, thus forming the ”limited partnership in PE of China” and its operation mode. 

Against this background, Beijing DOCVIT Law Firm compiled a book Limited Partnership in PE of China. Based on the latest legal provisions, theoretical practice and major events related to limited partnership in PE, this book gives a comprehensive review to the relevant laws, regulations and policies from a practical perspective, accompanied by carefully-selected latest typical cases for supplementary explanation, enhancing its practicality. This book won Beijing DOCVIT Law Firm the title of “Outstanding Author of the Year 2016” from CITIC Press Group. 

In general, this book has four highlights: 1. It highlights practical guidance while giving theoretical introduction. 2. It is aimed at serving professionals and pursues professional depth and breadth in content. 3. More Chinese enterprises and investors are doing limited partnership in PE, which makes this book have great practical guiding significance. 4. This book has seen a lot of changes than Deep Application of Limited Partnership in PE of China (the old edition of this book), which further reflects the significance of the times -- innovating on the basis of inheritance.

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Beijing Docvit Law Firm (Docvit in short), which was established in 2003, is one of the few earliest law firms instituted as a corporation rather than partnership in China. Aimed at building a high quality law firm with professional competence, Docvit fostered innovation under its unique system of operating as a large-scale corporation. Benefited with its core-competitiveness, such as international insights and full IT application management mode, to name some of them, Docvit pursued cross-border development and established an image of high-end brand in a industrialized market. In 2015, Docvit was ushered into a “3.0 era” of moderate-scale development, which witnessed the gradual formation of nation-wide and world-wide layout with the start-up of branch offices in Tianjin, Jinan, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Chengdu, Taiyuan, Hong Kong, London and other places in succession.