Positioning as "Green Law Firm"and Focusing on "Cross-border"--the First China Law Firm Development and Innovation Forum was Held in Beijing

Source:   Time: 2017-07-24 15:21:26  Author:

On March 22, 2017, jointly hosted by Democracy Legal System agency, Chinese Lawyer periodical office, Green Legal Global Alliance and Beijing DOCVIT Law Firm, the First China Law Firm Development and Innovation Forum--positioning as "green law firm" and focusing on "cross-border"--was held in Beijing.

On behalf of the sponsors, Zhou Zhanhua, president of Democracy Legal System agency, Li Haiwei, deputy secretary general of All China Lawyers Association and president of Chinese Lawyer periodical office, and Liu Guangchao, director of Beijing DOCVIT Law Firm and secretary of Green Legal Global Alliance attended the meeting. As special guests in economic circles, Cao Yuanzheng, chairman of the board of BOC International Research Company and members of Chinese Economists 50 Forum, Li Xiaoxi, convener of Economics Department of Social Science Council of the Ministry of Education and Chinese member of China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development and director of UNIDO-UNEP Green Industry Platform China Chapter Office and member of Chinese Economy 50 Forum attended the meeting.

Wang Junfeng, chairman of All China Lawyers Association, Xiao Wei, director of Junhe Law Firm, Li Dajin, director of Beijing East & Concord Partners Law Firm, Zhang Xuebing, vice-chairman of the All China Lawyers Association, Liu Guiming, chief editor of Democracy Legal System periodical office, Liu Yaotang, executive editor of Chinese lawyer website, Gao Jingbing and Pang Zhengzhong, vice-chairmans of the Beijing Lawyers Association, Wang Qingyou and Xiong Zhi, chairman and vice-chairman of Chaoyang Lawyers Association, Bi Wensheng and Zhao Tianqing, vice-chairmans of the Haidian District Lawyers Association, Lu Bin, vice-chairman of the Kunming Lawyers Association, representatives of directors of outstanding law firms in Shandong, Chongqing, Guizhou and other parts in China, Hou Songtao, CEO of Shenzhen Linklaws Technology, Co.,Ltd., Wang Fengmei, CEO of Lvxin News, Ma Huijuan, partner chairman of DOCVIT Law Firm, Yun Dahui, director of the Administrative Committee of DOCVIT and other guests gathered together to offer advice and suggestions fot the promotion of the healthy development of the lawyer industry in China.

The forum had two themes: positioning as "green law firm" and focusing on "cross-border". Guests opened dialogues around related topics. At the opening ceremony, president Zhou Zhanhua, chairman Wang Junfeng, Cao Yuanzheng and Li Haiwei delivered their speeches respectively.

President Zhou Zhanhua said that lawyers played an important role in the great practice of comprehensively ruling the country by law. The First China Law Firm Development and Innovation Forum was held to, with the help of cross-border exchange and discussion, further build consensus, integrate resources and vigorously promote the faster and better development of lawyer profession in China, which is not only the actual action of legal media and lawyers industry centering around central work of the Party and government to perform their duties, but also fully embodies the political consciousness, overall consciousness and consciousness of responsibility of lawyers. It's very meaningful. At the same time, this forum is highly valued by China Law Society, hoping to take the forum as an opportunity to promote the simultaneous development of legal publicity and lawyer profession in the great practice of comprehensive ruling the country by law and greeting the successful holding of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with excellent results.

Chairman Wang Junfeng believed that the construction of legal system is an important task of comprehensively deepening reform at the Third and Fourth Plenary Session of the Eighteen CPC Central Committee. All ministries and commissions have introduced a series of systems on lawyers' systems, guarantee of rights and interests of lawyers and construction of lawyers association, which shows that the attention and concern from the government to all sectors of society on lawyer industry are unprecedented. This forum takes "green law firm" and "cross-border" as its themes, which is very innovative. It marks an important step in promoting the green and healthy development of the Chinese lawyer industry. Lawyers shall be "green angels", firmly upholding justice and injecting green, sunshine and new hope into life. At the same time, in the era of Internet+, how do lawyers, as a practicing legal personality, how to adhere to the professional spirit and how to better release their professional resources are big topics. This is why today's forum has a very special meaning.

Mr. Cao Yuanzheng delivered a speech centering the relation between the new stage of economy and legal industry in China. He said that as China's economy had transformed from the production-oriented economy to the service-oriented economy, the impetus of China's economy had also transformed from the investment driving to consumption promotion. As the second largest economy of the globe, China has more things to go into global, which is a profound change. The new economic development situation raises higher requirements on China's legal service industry, requiring lawyers to constantly re-examine and reflect themselves, which is the reason and significance of positioning as "green law firm" and focusing on "cross-border". At the same time, he hoped that the economic community can carry out closer cooperation with legal profession in the future to contribute to the economic development and the construction of a harmonious society in China.

In his speech, president Li Haiwei made clear the purposes and goals of this forum. He said that a green and healthy practice environment needed to be built in Chinese lawyer industry. "Green law firm" means the benign development with sustainability, the healthy development with fresh air, and the happy development with taste and culture. "Cross-border" needs innovation, coordination, openness and sharing. "Green law firm" is the direction as well as the goal; "cross-border" is the path and the means. The sponsors hope to gather strength from various fields in the industry to jointly build a brand forum with significant influence and high level in the industry and make it continuous, contributing wisdom and strength to the promotion of the development concepts of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing of the industry.

In his keynote speech, Mr. Li Xiaoxi delivered a speech on the Legal Protection of Green Development from the Perspective of United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Its Implementation in China. Beginning from the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, he elaborated nine goals involved in green development in the agenda, clarifying the significance of sustainable development and deeply analyzing China's National Plan on Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the green legal protection contents in the "13th Five-Year Plan". He said that the improvement of legal construction shall be specially emphasized in the implementation of system safeguard in the agenda. At the same time, one of the important experience in the completion of millennium development goals is to intensify legal protection and enhance legislation in the fields like ecological environment and self-construction from 2016 to 2030, which has been specified by the Chinese government.

Later, director Liu Guangchao delivered a keynote speech of Positioning as "Green Law Firm" and Focusing on "Cross-border": the Common Mission of the Lawyers Profession. In his speech, Liu Guangchao talked about the understanding and assessment of Chinese lawyer industry from the scale, quality, structure, mode and evaluation, and elaborated the forum themes of "green law firm" and "cross-border". He believes that the "green law firm" includes the four aspects: healthy states, rational ways, modes innovation and natural development. The industrial development of the lawyer profession must follow its objective rules. In addition, he said that "cross-border" doesn't mean to overstep the boundary or ignore their proper occupations. Instead, it is the only road for the law firms to survive, develop and adapt to the market as well as the inevitable choice for the Chinese lawyer industry to build a good ecological environment and lead to innovation. The lawyer industry shall realize the cross-border in vision, knowledge, profession and services, and rely on the platform of Green Legal Global Alliance as well as the interaction and integration of institutes and sub-alliances in all industries to achieve cross border, jointly exploring the essence and rules of lawyer profession, expanding new fields and modes in the lawyer profession, so as to make itself an important driving force for the promotion of the sustainable development of the society.

At 14:30, Cao Yuanzheng, Li Xiaoxi, Li Haiwei, Zhang Xuebing, Liu Guangchao, Ma Huijuan, Yun Dahui and other guests jointly pressed their handprint, officially launching the first China Law Firm Development and Innovation Forum.

"The choice of "green law firm"--on the healthy development of the law firms" is hosted by lawyer Ma Huijuan. Zhang Xuebing, vice-chairman of All China Lawyers Association, Xiao Wei, director of Junhe Law Firm, and Gao Jingbing, vice-chairman of Beijing Lawyers Association delivered their theme speech respectively. 

In his speech, vice-chairman Zhang Xuebing said that the reason why the concept of "green law firm" is innovative is that green means balance, health and sustainability. The key for the lawyer industry to achieve healthy and sustainable development is to better cultivate generation after generation of professional talents and plan a healthy development road for them. Another implication of the "green law firm" is that the lawyer industry should seek a balance between commercial operation and fairness and justice of legal person. Only in this way can they explore a sustainable development road.

Director Xiao Wei expressed his views on the several practices of "green law firm". He believed that the proposal and deepening of "green law firm" are in line with the essence and rules of  industrial development of lawyers as well as the correct path for its healthy operation of industry, reflecting the thinking and practicing of the sponsors on the green and innovative development road of lawyer profession. The concept of "green law firm" insists on public input, public resources and public teams, which is an innovative and healthy development state. In addition, Xiao Wei spoke glowingly of the practical significance of "green law firm" from the following eight angles: "pan-democracy and dictatorship", "collectivism and personality development", "empty-handed and artillery and aircraft", "feudal nobility and united republic", "hereditary and fixed barrack, floating soldiers", "materialistic and cultural temperament", "beauty in Tang Dynasty and beauty with abdominal muscles and V-line abs" and "venality and social responsibility".

Vice-chairman Gao Jingbing delivered his speech with the theme of "how to promote the healthy and benign development of industry from the perspective of law firms". He said, brand is created and system is built on the basis of profession and standards to further realize appropriate scale and team. Only in this way can the law firms make breakthroughs. And the innovative practice by the high-quality law firms will surely benefit all lawyers and promote the healthy and ordered development of Chinese lawyer industry.

In addition, Wang Qingyou, chairman of Chaoyang Lawyers Association, presented his insightful views on how to realize the innovation and development in lawyer industry. Liu Yaotang, chief editor of Chinese lawyer website, Lu Bin, vice-chairman of Kunming Lawyers Association, Xiong Zhi, vice-chairman of Chaoyang Lawyers Association, Zhu Ning, director of Chance Bridge Partners, and Liu Hailiang, director of Shandong Jinhairui Law Firm respectively gave their opinions on the following topics: how to promote the healthy and benign development of the industry from the perspective of law firms; the selection confusion and integration trend of demutualization and commission system; the management essence of law firm and innovation of development mode from the perspective of law firms to "green law firm"; the importance of the physical and mental health of lawyers on building green and happy law firms; how to reflect the differentiation development of law firms and core competitiveness.

In "the charm of cross-border--on the development and innovation of law firms" hosted by lawyer Yun Dahui, guests carried out discussion on the following topics: the roles of cross-border and market innovation in the green development of law firms and cross-border integration; whether the industry needs "law + Internet" or "Internet + law"; the boundary and scale of cross-border; whether the cross-border can break through the market and talent dilemma.

The chief editor Liu Guiming said in his speech that the cross-border made the innovation and development of the entire legal service industry enjoy more development force, which is sustainable development. As a result, this is an era of cross-border as well as an era for lawyer industry to face with cross-border. This forum is the cross-border dialogue and exchanges between law and economy. We believe that this interdisciplinary cross-border will surely develop a new layout plan and produce enormous energy to have a profound impact on the lawyer industry even the whole society.

Director Li Dajin expressed his views on the boundary and scale of cross-border in lawyer industry. He said that the key of "cross-border" lay not only in "cross", but also in "border", that was, the grasp of the scale of "cross-border". At the same time, Li Dajin put forward two principles on the cross-border in lawyer industry: first, the main idea of cross-border of lawyers is not to damage the dignity of lawyer profession. Second, the boundary of cross-border of lawyers is not to damage the social reputation of lawyers.

In his keynote speech Building Legal Service Platform to Meet the Multiple-dimension Needs of Customers, vice-chairman Pang Zhengzhong said that professional legal services were the foundation for lawyers to meet the customers' needs. But at the same time, only the law firms shall provide all-around, across-the-board and globalized legal services can they always enjoy the room for survival and development. In addition, customers also need non-legal services, which require the resource integration in the whole lawyer industry and cross-border. The right cross-border has important practical demands and values on the innovation, breakthrough and development of lawyer profession in China.

Later, Peng Jing, director of Chongqing Jingsheng Law Firm, Hou Songtao, CEO of Shenzhen Linklaws Technology, Ltd.,Co., Xue Jun, director of Guizhou Trexcellent Law Firm, Liao Hongcheng, director of Trendsun Partners, Wang Fengmei, CEO of Lvxin News, Dai Wei, president of Application Sub-press of Law Press China and other guests gave their opinions on "green law firm" and "cross-border".

In the free speech, directors and representatives of lawyers from outstanding law firms in all over the country expressed their own opinions on management mechanism of law firms, cultural shaping, market development and other topics, sharing management and operation experience of law firms and discussing the healthy development path of Chinese lawyer industry. The speaking guests have foresight in the horizon, rational analysis in the macro level, case analysis, and field investigation in micro level, with new ideas appearing one after another and hundreds of highlights.

At the closing ceremony, Ma Huijuan, partner president of DOCVIT Law Firm, summarized the discussion results of the forum. She said that this forum was a forum that judged the industrial development, a forum for exploration and thinking, a forum for results sharing and exchanges, providing an important platform to lawyer community and industry professionals for resource sharing, information exchange, problem analysis and opinion interaction, injecting innovation into the legal cause in China, contributing wisdom and strength to the healthy and benign operation of the industry. Finally, lawyer Ma Huijuan called on and hoped that professionals in all industries worked together and strived to turn China Law Firm Development and Innovation Forum a Brand Forum with features, influence, authority and cohesion, providing continuous driving force for the green and sustainable development of the society and Chinese lawyer industry. 

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Beijing Docvit Law Firm (Docvit in short), which was established in 2003, is one of the few earliest law firms instituted as a corporation rather than partnership in China. Aimed at building a high quality law firm with professional competence, Docvit fostered innovation under its unique system of operating as a large-scale corporation. Benefited with its core-competitiveness, such as international insights and full IT application management mode, to name some of them, Docvit pursued cross-border development and established an image of high-end brand in a industrialized market. In 2015, Docvit was ushered into a “3.0 era” of moderate-scale development, which witnessed the gradual formation of nation-wide and world-wide layout with the start-up of branch offices in Tianjin, Jinan, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Chengdu, Taiyuan, Hong Kong, London and other places in succession.
Brand Activity
Over the years, business and brand of DOCVIT have matured and won the "Special Contribution Award of All China Lawyers Association", "Excellent Law Firm in Beijing", "Excellent Law Firm in Chaoyang District", ALB2016 Asia Top Ten Elite Law Firm, 2018 Outstanding Law Firm Award by China Business Law Journal, etc.