DOCVIT News | Lawyers of Beijing DOCVIT Law Firm Were Elected As the Directors of the New Session of the Board of Directors of China Law Society Rule of Law Culture Seminar

Source:   Time: 2017-08-08 11:31:52  Author:

Abstract: On August 5, 2017, the 2nd Congress of China Law Society Rule of Law Culture Seminar was held in Beijing, in which the new session of the board of directors and executive council were elected. Director Liu Guangchao, Lawyer Yun Dahui, director of the Administrative Committee, and Lawyer Qiao Zhaoshu, Senior Partner of Beijing DOCVIT Law Firm were elected as the directors of the new session of the board of directors.

In the meeting, Zhang Sujun, member of Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of China Law Society, delivered an important speech. He said that, Rule of Law Culture Seminar is affiliated to China Law Society, and is an important force of Party’s promotion of rule of law in an all-round way, and main research and application force and national team of China Law Society in the rule of law culture field. Rule of Law Culture Seminar must seize the opportunities, bear in mind the mission, conduct reform and innovation, be practical and advance bravely, and gather the powerful spiritual strength for comprehensive rule of law and fulfilling the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.”

Yue Xuanyi, Chairman of China Law Society Rule of Law Literature Seminar, delivered a work report with theme of Be Self-confident in rule of law culture and Strive for Building Rule of Law in China. He said that, since its founding, Rule of Law Literature Seminar has successfully explored the role of rule of law culture in building rule of law in China. Building the socialism rule of law culture subject system with Chinese characteristics is of grand social science engineering requires hard work and unremitting efforts.”

To adapt to the need of rule of law culture research in the new situation, China Law Society changed the name of Rule of Law Literature Seminar into Rule of Law Culture Seminar.

In his speech, Zhou Zhanhua, Executive Vice Chairman of Law Society Rule of Law Culture Seminar, pointed out that, Today, the whole society is propagating the socialist rule of law spirit and building the socialist rule of law culture, so the work of Rule of Law Culture Seminar is promising, and it is hoped that the rule of law literature and rule of law culture workers can continue to carry forward the spirit and promote the prosperity and development of China’s rule of law undertaking.”

In the meeting, the Seminar on “Integrating Rule of Virtue in the Rule of Law Promulgation” was held, in which lawyers of DOCVIT Law Firm positively participated in discussion, provided suggestions and made contribution to building the rule of law in China and promoting vigorous development, expansion and prosperity of the rule of law culture research.


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