Democracy and Legal System supplementary issue

ZHOU Zhanhua, Proprieter of Democracy and Legal System, LI Haiwei, Under Secretary General of All-China Lawyers Association and Proprietor of Chinese Lawyer, LIU Guangchao, Secretary-General of the Green Legal Global Alliance (GLGA) and Director of Beijing DOCVIT Law Firm, as a representative of the host(s), attended the meeting. CAO Yuanzheng, President of BOCI and member of Chinese Economists 50 Forum (CE50), and LI Xiaoxi, convener at Division of Department of Economics, Committee of Social Science, Ministry of Education, Chinese member of China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development, Director of UNIDO-UNEP Green Industry Platform China Office, and member of Chinese Economists 50 Forum (CE50), attended the meeting as special guests from the economic circles. 

Representatives of leaders in the legal profession such as ZHANG Xuebing, Vice-president of All-China Lawyers Association, XIAO Wei, Director of Junhe Law Firm, GAO Jingbing, Vice-president of Beijing Lawyers Association, LIU Guiming, Editor-in-Chief of Democracy and Legal System, LI Dajin, Director of East & Concord Partners, and PANG Zhengzhong, Vice-president of Beijing Lawyers Association, attended and addressed the meeting. 

Excellent law firm directors and lawyer representatives from all over the country aired their opinions on law firms’ management mechanism, culture building, market development and other topics, sharing their experience in law firm management & operation, and exchanging ideas on Chinese lawyer profession’s sound development. The speaking guests presented unique, brilliant views that involved both forward-looking, academic analysis at the macro level and case-specific field research at the micro level. 

Recently, Democracy and Legal System published the 16th supplementary issue 2017, recording the forum’s fruitful results. As there are too many guests present, with their mailing addresses unknown, please hold the QR code below to add the head of the organizing committee, or leave your detailed address via WeChat backstage, and we will mail the supplementary issue to you as soon as possible. 

In addition, the 24th issue 2017 of Democracy and Legal System devoted special columns to report this forum’s results, before it's published nationwide.

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